
Project ARDENT

ARDENT is a theory-simulation program developed by the team at ARCOLOGY+ labs. On the surface, it is an open-ended role-playing game that requires subjects to think critically and creatively. It differs from most types of similar games in that the ARDEN simulation sets its own rules as it collaborates with the subject. The program operates with a few assumptions:1. ARDENT TCHISONOMY is an AI that saves subjects from entropy. ARDENT is not hostile but helps re-facilitate and orient the subject/player in a WORLD.2. The WORLD is an amalgamation of ZONES, painstakingly crafted by head researcher NOEL TAKEZA. These ZONES, though they mimic true-to-life examples, are more-or-less areas that are catered to each subject in order to produce the most organic RESPONSE PATTERN.3. Subject's RESPONSE PATTERNS dictate the world; Therefore, the 'world'—simulation—exists and builds on top of itself only when subjects show true agency in their ZONE.
Our Goal is to explore the very human pressure to create and explore. With our simulation, we wish to resemble somewhat of a dream-state; in that when you dream, you explore a world structured by your context, but subject to your agency. I would liken our simulation to lucidity in dreaming. When you are in a dream and you realize it, you think I want to fly and suddenly you can.

- Noel Takeza, Director of project ARDENT

An example of the simulation is as follows:Subjects wake in a metal room. Upon cognizance, they are greeted by an AI, named ARDENT TCHISONOMY. The AI quickly grants them exposition, then crafts an ALLOWANCE, or inventory, for them based on their initial responses. Once the subjects inventory is crafted, it is bestowed upon them, and the rest of the ZONE begins to fill out. The simulation then offers various incentives—or hooks—to act, and the 'game' begins to play as players find an agency in their actions. A call and response pattern is created, and the simulation continues indefinitely.Behind the screen, however, a lot of things are happening at once. Our process is like this: When we find a willing subject, there is a short-term period of initial testing in which the subject's background is documented and comprehended. Once this is finished, the testing begins to seamlessly transition into the simulation, and we begin recording data.ALLOWANCES are created based on the data acquired before the subject begins the simulation. They are, essentially, the items the subject begins with. These are some of the most important materials of the simulation, as they are crafted to match a person's real context. For example, if we flag a subject for [ lack of respect towards authority ], then the simulation may offer the subject a gun. However, if we initially flag a subject for [ an intense curiosity ], they might acquire a portable chemistry kit instead.
One of my favorite allowances created by the ARDENT program so far was given to a subject we flagged as, well I won't get into it but essentially the subject had a lot of unresolved issues with their family. When they came to us they were in a bad place essentially and weren't really happy with their lives. ARDENT created 2 trinkets for the subject, representing the subject's parents, and gave the subject more noble objects like security clearance badges and a lab coat i think... [The subject] spent the whole game doing really progressive things, seeking out people to aid, fighting for the under-dogs, etc. When the subject exited the simulation we asked them what was going through their heads, and apparently they believed that their ALLOWANCE was an inventory that was carried by somebody very important, who loved their family. Later psychological tests allowed us to conclude that the subject was able to approach the trauma of their family issues in an open and healthy environment, creating for themselves a better outlook on their own life.

- Vittoria Alucard, Head Researcher at ARCOLOGY+

After subjects receive their ALLOWANCES, the subjects are introduced to their ZONE. ZONES can be thought of as a combination of maps and events the subject can interact with at will. ZONES are built and based off of subject context, much like ALLOWANCES. If a subject is flagged for [ Thassalaphobia ] ARDENT may build the zone underwater or place a lot of events inside a nearby body of water. In this way, ZONES are inherently instigative. ZONES pressure subjects to act within the simulation, and can be incredibly dangerous or the exact opposite.There are a plethora of mechanics at play, however, unlike a table-top or video-game experience, much of the mechanics stay hidden, or abstract from the subject and are handled by ARDENT. This allows the subject to think critically about their choices and creates a more organic experience for the subject. ARCOLOGY+ is constantly undergoing tests and re-structures to ensure the best experiences for all involved._Project Ardent has been operational since October 2015.For more information, please email: 'intothecant@gmail.com'with the subject line: A F F I R M A T I O N .(email runs on a program, deviant subject lines will be automatically deleted) The ARCOLOGY+ Team:Noel Takeza, DirectorAya Mizumi, DirectorVittoria Alucard, ResearchMairied Kiddist, ResearchDeepti Kumar, ScienceGotama Bala, ProgrammingRona Yahya Miroslav, Programming Veiko Konstantin, ProgrammingNikolaj Patrio, ProgrammingMona LaChaise, Philosophy Leader Rev. Hieu Chen, Philosophy LeaderDylan Marin, Caretaker