For a moment I want you to imagine the smallest number possible.Now, don't focus on the number forms. I want you to imagine the quantity. Let yourself feel the insignificance of the essence embodied in that number. I want you to experience its absolute smallness. Perhaps, imagine this numerical carapace completely overshadowed by another incredibly small number, to show just how inconceivably minuscule your number is.Divide it in half.Compare your current quantity to the one you previously held as the smallest quantity so that you can maintain context. Divide it again.Suddenly, that once so small thing doesn't seem nearly so insignificant.Slowly scale your current quantity down until the initial quantity surpasses your field of view. Watch as it slowly grows as your current context diminishes. Smaller and smaller you go, the world around you stretching. Imagine the expansion, like a pinched zoom, distances increasing and objects expanding. Now stop a moment.Look around you and see how impossibly largely the microscopic world towers around you. You can see all sorts of entities that your naked eyes, at once, could not see. They are almost imperceptible in their vastness now, the every vibration of the universe traveling around you, a single wavelength pushing at the boundaries of your vision.How vast is everything now?Think about how big adults were when you were young. It was so easy to miss their faces as they lumbered around you, your eye level somewhere around their knees. Now see how much larger trees stood above them. Buildings dwarf even the largest of trees in the city and the body of the city makes nothing of the building or the tree or the adults or you. Cities stack on cities stack into states, dressed with belts of nature. If you release the lines, states can bleed into their larger masses, dirt connecting to dirt as the scale of cities are reduced to asterisks on the page.Even in the midst of this greatness, the land pales to the vastness of the sea. Seemingly endless pools, hugging the coastlines of islands. Everything is islands. Remote and untouching with boundaries of challenging channels between them. Dirt islands can only communicate through the vastness of water. Planets must speak through the screaming nothing that is outer space. Little little orbs. And up and up and up we can go. Solar systems and galaxies and then the metaphorical stopping block of the universe. It feels impossible to capture the reality of this vastness in your mind, but, still, the mind may try. Now capture this vastness in the smallness of your original little little particle. Let all things flood into that impossibly small number.Imagine, if you were to travel down into that universe, into the galaxies, finding our solar system and our little little remote planet, past the oceans, onto the islands, into the cities. Down smaller than a building, a tree, a person, yourself.In this universe, find your original number.How small would your particle be compared to the scale of the previous universe? It's hard to fathom. It's impossible to fathom, to truly maintain such a magnitude in your mind. But it feels like something. There is a blossoming in your body at this moment, a sense of that smallness, something very real that you are experiencing.And that, that little kernel of abstract embodiment, that is where our journey truly begins. That seedling inside of you, it exists in a realm where computers cannot speak and do not understand. It's your little little island, raw and uncommunicated and there is where we've come to explore tonight.///////////////////// S = Q[0,1] k = minS for(k < 1){
.... nk = k/2.... k = nk }