Conditions from Nation Weather Service RSS feed:Condition; sunny, partly cloudy, snowing etc.Location; xxxxxx (6 digit zip code, one per feed (?))Wind speed; 0-200mph (functionally 0-10)Wind direction; N NW W SW S SE E NEHumidity; 0-100Temperature index: (expected range (?)Temperature: -25°c to 45°cBarometric pressure; 850-1100milibars ____________ARPEGGIATING TRIADSTemp to pitch (15 - 18,000hz) of root noteWind speed to bpm 40 - 200Wind direction to contour (Apr pattern: I II III, I III II, II I III, II III I, III I II, III II I) bar pressure to chord voicing ( I II III, I II IV, I II V, I II VI, I II VII, I II I, I III IV, I III V [MAJOR TRIAD], I III VI, I III VI, I III VII, I III I, I IV V, I IV VI, I IV VII, I IV VII, I IV I, I V VI, I V VII, I V I, I VI VII, I VI I, I VII I.)Howard, can you work on integrating the feed and mapping the input values onto the one listed here. I will investigate peripheral sensors and have the syllable recordings processed by the next orbit.