[ PLEASE NOTE - Seeing as the operative agent in the below recounting did not have linguistic structures or experience, we utilized a NCC to convert the synaptic activity in its mind to language. Some loss is to be expected in this process. ]
SUBJECT: x0f0aeex0000 || Hands. Knobby, trembling digits roped desperately around a steering wheel.
x0001 || Moving the wheel makes the world pivot slightly, though, the world does not slow.
x0002 || A road extends beneath the movement of the world.
x0003 || Other objects can be seen traversing this place.
x0004 || These objects are henceforth called "bodies"
x0005 || These objects appear to be traveling at the same or greater velocities to the world.
x0006 || These objects have extremities beneath their bodies, much like the extremities extruding to the hands that hold the wheel.
x0007 || These extremities have hands that allow for their velocity of the bodies.
x0008 || The world looks like these "bodies". The world with now be called a "body".
x0009 || The word "world" now means "everything surrounding the bodies, not including the bodies".
x000a || Fear. Erratic, trembling in the core.
x000b || Clamoring metal shatters throughout the world.
x000c || A body has flown off the road, smashing into a stack of other bodies.
x000d || Another body veers around the road in front of me.
x000e || The body bellows out loudly with its violent movements
x000f || The body topples, skidding out in front of the body.
x0010 || Moving the wheel pivots the body's trajectory, avoiding collision.
x0011 || The fallen body still bellows absently.
x0012 || A chorus of bellows calls from the hills of collided bodies.
x0013 || The road now bends.
x0014 || Moving the wheel, the body maintains its way on the road.
x0015 || More bodies are on the road ahead, some veering, others calm.
x0016 || The veering bodies tend to run off the road, into the walls of collided bodies.
x0017 || The calm bodies continue forward.
x0018 || The body is calm, with small adjustments to the wheel, mostly to avoid panicking bodies
x0019 || The road is expansive in length, perhaps as long as the world.
x001a || There is a panel in the body, more sophisticated and complex than the wheel.
x001b || Beams emit from the front of the body when I press one of the buttons.
x001c || Another releases cool gasses into the cabin.
x001d || Looking to the wheel, there appears to be a button on the front of it.
x001f || A shriek emits from the body, much like that of the panicking bodies.
x0020 || Other bodies shriek in response.
x0022 || Pressing on the wheel makes the arms claw quicker.
x0023 || Pulling on the wheel makes the arms claw slower.
x0024 || There is not a way to pull the wheel far enough that the body stops entirely.
x0025 || The core wants to pull the tire, but the arms want to push it.
x0026 || The arms win.
x0027 || As the body accelerates, the road begins to rattle.
x0028 || The road begins to split behind the rushing bodies.
x0029 || Holes swallow the bodies that fall behind.
x002b || The core is shaken
x002c || A body, far greater than any of the other bodies emerges from the cracks.
x002d || Overwhelming hands burst up from the sides of this massive body.
x002e || The overwhelming hands scrape away slates of road as the body rises further
x002f || The core is shaken and trembles.
x0030 || Clouds burst up under massive impacts beneath the larger body.
x0031 || The massive body is henceforth "Behemoth".
x0032 || The world is suddenly spinning.
x0033 || The road rotates around the body, switching between skywardness and groundwardness.
x0034 || Another toppled body lays on the road, frame smashed in.
x0035 || Chasms swallow it.
x0036 || The controls do nothing to deter the tumbling of the road.
x0037 || The body shrieks of its own accord.
x0038 || Stumbling hands, try to still the road.
x0039 || Hallow shrieks burp out of bodies as the body lays to rest in the mounds.
x003a || The controls do nothing any more.
x003b || Nothing does anything any more.

NOTES: The Mobilite will spend the remainder of its days at the side of the road, watching traffic spasmodically grapple with its own existence, much in the same way it had to. The controls will never yield result any longer. The Mobilite will never die.